Starting from 2024, I’m a research assistant professor in the NICS-EFC group at the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. I obtained my B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, in 2016 and 2021, advised by Prof. Huazhong Yang and Prof. Yu Wang. I spent two years (from December 2021 to December 2023) as a post-doctoral researcher with Prof. Yu Wang and Prof. Pinyan Lu.
Currently, I’m leading the Efficient Deep Learning Algorithm (EffAlg) Team in the NICS-EFC group. Our team is continuously looking for self-motivated master or Ph.D. students, postdoctoral scholars, research assistants, and visiting students.Please send me and Prof. Wang an email with your CV if you’re interested!
Selected Talks
Introduction to NICS-EFC Lab Efficient Algorithm Team Slide Video
A talk to introduce our EffAlg Group. @AI Time.
Generative Model Compression and Acceleration Slide
A talk on generative model compression and acceleration. @Huawei; Apple-China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; and others.
An Introduction to Quantization of Large Language Models Slide Video
A talk about efficient LLM with a special focus on quantization for an Competition organized by AWS-China.
Model Compression Towards Efficient Deep Learning Inference Slide
A talk on model compression towards efficient DL inference. @Huawei;; Beihang University; and others.
Neural Architecture Search and Architecture Encoding Slide
A talk on NAS researches. @DAMO Academy of Alibaba Group (U.S.); Renmin University of China; and others.